
We want you to be completely satisfied with your purchase and understand that sometimes you will need to return an item.

If you change your mind, we offer a 14 days return policy with no questions asked. You must write to us at [email protected] to request a return.

When you cancel, you must return the products to us at 106 Wangoom Rd Warrnambool VIC 3280 . You are responsible for the cost of return postage. Once we receive the products back from you, or evidence that you have returned them, we will refund you within 14 days, using the same payment method you used to pay for the products.

You will receive a full refund on the amount you paid for the products and for the delivery of the products to you, unless you have used the products in a way that goes beyond what would be necessary to generally examine them on receipt and check their features and functionality (in a way that is more than you would be allowed to examine the products in a shop), in which case we may make a reasonable deduction from the refund to take account of the loss in value of the products as a result of that use.

If there is a problem with the product you may reject the faulty, or not fit for purpose product within 30 days. If you do not reject the product within 30 days, you may still reject it for up to six months after delivery provided that you first give us the chance to repair or replace the product (at your option) and we are unable to do so.

Where you reject the product because of a problem, you must return it to us but we will reimburse your reasonable costs of doing so. If the return is within six months of receipt of the product you will be entitled to a full refund of the price of the product and the delivery charges. The refund may be lower if you reject the product later than this. The refund will be made within 14 days of us agreeing that you are entitled to it. Please see our Terms and Conditions for further information or simply contact us if you have any other questions.